Saturday, October 16, 2004


I should have posted this awhile ago, but please, even if you're a random person that's stumbled across this website, sign the online petition here to save this radio station.

WCAL is a classical-format radio station supported by St. Olaf College, my alma mater, and one of the few truly independent radio stations left in the U.S. The college came up with a lame-ass excuse to cut the strings with the station, so it most likely will be transferred to Minnesota Public Radio in the next few months. Transfer=put out of its misery.

Actually, WCAL deserves more credit (and the college less) than I've given it/them in this post. I'll try adding more later.

Obviously, I disagree with this move, and ask you to lend your name to the list of protesters. Your choice. Thanks for your time.


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