Wednesday, February 09, 2005


It occurs to me that I haven't been here in a while.

Oh well.

So I guess I'll harp on a variety of topics.

  1. 89.3 is no longer WCAL, the hallowed radio station of our fathers. It's now the trendy radio station of our citified cosmpolitan cousins, who wear tiny glasses with titanium frames. At first, I thought they were doing a Great Thing by playing an "anti-format" playlist. Some of my fears have come true, however; it's nearly all indie and alternative music. Where's the MMW? Where's (more) Ozomatli? Where's more music that isn't flaccid and boring? Apparently "anti-format" still means "one genre, only."

    I wanted to really like what they're doing. And I tried really hard to like what they're doing. Unfortunately, they're not doing quite what I thought they'd be doing. For now, I'll reserve judgement. They're only a few weeks old, after all...
  2. I've done a lot of reading. I blew through Sharpe's Trafalgar, Sharpe's ...crap, something else, and a Robert Ludlum...franchise? What do you call it when someone writes a book, but a famous author puts his name on it? Branding? "Brandoing?" Brandoing. Stay away from Brand-O's. They suck. Just look at what happened with Cussler. (And now that I've gone back and reread Cussler, there wasn't much to start with...) Am currently working on Dune (it's so good!). AH! How could I forget? America: The Book. Oh, that's right. It wasn't as funny as I expected.
  3. Installed a CD/Radio/Aux in player BY MYSELF. It sounds pretty good, but I need to find a better way of supporting it in the back. No one likes skipping CD's. That, or I need to buy another dock.
It also occurs to me that I should have named this online presence +4 db. Line level and all that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You might be interested to know that an organization representing the donors to WCAL (SaveWCAL) is still actively fighting the sale with some success. The matter is currently still in the courts. Information is available at

October 19, 2008 at 10:50 AM  

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